Condensed, for full CV, email
Syllabi available upon request
Jennifer K. Brown
2501 2nd Ave, Ketchikan, AK 99901
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
ABD, Medical Anthropology, Advisor: Adriana Petryna, Ph.D.
Expected Graduation: 5/2017
Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, Magna Cum Laude, December 2006
Adjunct Professor, Anthropology, University of Alaska Southeast, Ketchikan, AK
Biological Anthropology, ANTH 205, Spring 2015, 2016
Humans and the Environment, ANTH 312/GEO 312, Fall 2014, 2015
Cultural Anthropology, ANTH 202, Fall 2013
Alaska Native Social Change, ANTH 475, Fall 2013, 2014, 2015
Introduction to Anthropology, ANTH 101, Spring 2013, 2014, Summer 2014
Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology and Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
Health and Societies, HSOC 010, Spring 2013
Introduction to Medical Anthropology, Anth 238 Fall 2012
The Modern World and its Cultural Background, Anth 004 Spring 2012
The Anthropological Study of Culture, Anth 002 Fall 2011
Hiratsuka, V., J. Brown, and D. Dillard
2012 Views of Biobanking Research among Alaska Native People: the Role of Community Context. Progress in Community Health Partnerships 6(2):131-9.
(PDF) (Journal Website)
Hiratsuka, V. Y., Brown, J., Hoeft, T., and Dillard, D.
2012 Alaska Native people's perceptions, understandings, and expectations for research involving biological specimens. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 71:1-6.
(PDF) (Journal Website)
Shaw, J. L., Brown, J., Khan, B., Mau, M. K., & Dillard, D. (2012). Resources, Roadblocks and Turning Points: A Qualitative Study of American Indian/Alaska Native Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Community Health, 1-9.
(PDF) (Journal Website)
“From Corporation to Community: Tribal Bureaucracy after the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 21, 2015, Denver, CO. Presentation, chaired and organized session “Governing Indigeneity: Bureaucracy, Vulnerability, and the State in the Americas.”
“Vulnerable Populations: Sovereignty and Science in Arctic Alaska“ Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, August 20, 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presentation.
“Uncertain Prognoses: Biomedical Research Among Alaska Native People” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 20, 2013, Chicago, IL. Presentation.
“Indigenous Bureaucracy and the Positioned Researcher” Medical Anthropology Young Scholars, 4th Annual Meeting, June 11, 2013, Tarragona, Spain. Presentation.
“Bones, Blood, and Basketry: the Curation of Life by Biobanks and Museums.” American Anthropological Assocation Annual Meeting, November 14, 2012, San Francisco, CA. Invited panel presentation.
“All He Does Is Play Himself”: Ashley Montagu on the Television Talk Show Circuit. HSS/BSHS/CSHPS 3-Society Meeting, July 13, 2012, Philadelphia, PA. Presentation.
“Circulating Collections: Ethics and the Institutional and Social Locations of Resources for Specimen-Based Human Genome Research.” International Congress of Human Genetics/American Society of Human Genetics Joint Meeting, October 14, 2011. Poster with Joanna Radin.
(PDF) (Poster Handout - annotated bibliography)
“Weighing Harms and Benefits: Alaska Native Perspectives on the Risks and Benefits of Research with Biological Specimens.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. November 7, 2010, Denver, CO. Poster.
“Implications in Working with Underserved Communities in the Context of Genetics and Family Health History: Southcentral Foundation Family History Project.” 59th Annual American Society of Human Genetics Conference, Invited Session, Honolulu, HI. October 22, 2009, presentation.
“Family Health History: A Demonstration Project Using Personal Stories to Educate.” 21st Annual Native Health Research Conference, Portland, OR. August 3, 2009, presentation.
“Historical Experiences with Research: What Alaska Native People Bring Up When Considering Specimen Bank Research.” 21st Annual Native Health Research Conference, Portland, OR. August 3, 2009, presentation.
“Exploring Tribal Health Research Approval Processes Across Alaska.” 3rd Annual Alaska Native Health Research Conference, Anchorage, AK. March 19-20, 2009, Plenary session presentation.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow - 2010-2013
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Diversity Fellow Honorable Mention - 2010, 2012
Ben Franklin Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania - 2010-2015
Summer Institute for Museum Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, 2011
Society for Medical Anthropology Student Travel Fellowship – 2012
Council for Museum Anthropology Student Travel Award – 2012
GAPSA-Provost Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Innovation – 2015
Phillips Fund Grant for Native American Research, American Philosophical Society - 2015
Researcher, Southcentral Foundation, Anchorage, AK (Alaska Native Health Org) 2007-2012
Designed, led, and assisted with research initiatives related to the health of Alaska Native people in the Anchorage area, duties included ensuring research compliance with federal and local ethical standards, recruiting participants, analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, preparing reports for funding agencies, presenting at local and national conferences, writing articles for future publication.
Major Project: “Ethical and Cultural Implications of Specimen Banking Among Alaska Native People”
Acted as Co-Investigator for a National Human Genome Research Institute funded-project that identified the future usefulness of specimens from Alaska Native and American Indian people stored in an existing specimen bank and then ascertained community views about biobanking with qualitative methods.
(Project Newsletter)
Co-coordinator, Natives at Penn Colloquium on Native Sovereignty 2011
Graduate Co-Chair, Natives at Penn 2011-2012
Co-coordinator, Department of Anthropology Graduate Colloquium Speaker Series 2012
American Anthropological Association
American Public Health Association
American Society on Human Genetics
Native American and Indigenous Studies Association
Society for Medical Anthropology
Association of Indigenous Anthropologists
Sigma Xi
Native English speaker
Basic reading and writing - Spanish